Selasa, 26 April 2011

Doa Novena 3 Salam Maria


Bunda Maria, Perawan yang berkuasa, bagimu tidak ada sesuatu yang tak mungkin, karena kuasa yang dianugerahkan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa kepadamu. Dengan sangat aku mohon pertolonganmu dalma kesulitanku ini, janganlah hendaknya engkau meninggalkan aku, sebab aku yakin engkau pasti dapat menolong, meski dalam perkara yang sulit, yang sudah tidak ada harapannya, engkau tetap menjadi pengantara bagi Puteramu.

Baik keluhuran Tuhan, penghormatanku kepadamu maupun keselamatan jiwaku akan bertambah seandainya engkau sudi mengabulkan segala permohonanku ini. Karenanya, kalau permohonanku ini benar-benar sesuai dengan kehendak Puteramu, dengan sangat aku moho, o Bunda, sudilah meneruskan segala permohonanku ini ke hadirat Puteramu, yang pasti tak akan menolakmu.

Pengharapanku yang besar ini, berdasarkan atas kuasa yang tak terbatas yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah Bapa kepadamu. Dan untuk menghormati besarnya kuasamu itu, aku berdoa bersama dengan St.Mechtildis yang kau bertahukan tentang kebaikan doa "Tiga Salam Maria", yang sangat besar manfaatnya itu.

(Salam Maria........3x)

Perawan Suci yang disebut Tahta Kebijaksanaan, karena Sabda Allah tinggal padamu, engkau dianugerahi pengetahuan Ilahi yang tak terhingga oleh Puteramu, sebagai makhluk yang paling sempurna untuk dapat menerimanya.

Engkau tahu betapa besar kesulitan yang kuhadapin ini, betapa besar pengharapanku akan pertolonganmu. Dengan penuh kepercayaan akan tingginya kebijaksanaanmu, aku menyerahkan diri seutuhnya kepadamu, supaya engkau dapat mengatur dengan segala kesanggupan dan kebaikan budi, demi keluhuran Tuhan dan keselamatan jiwaku. Sudilah kiranya Bunda dapat menolong dengan segala cara yang paling tepat untuk terkabulnya permohonanku ini.

O Maria, Bunda Kebijaksanaan Ilahi, sudilah kiranya Bunda berkenan mengabulkan permohonanku yang mendesak ini. Aku memohon berdasarkan atas kebijaksanaanmu yang tiada bandingnya, yang dikaruniakan oleh Puteramu melalui Sabda Ilahi kepadamu.

Bersama dengan St. Antonius dari Padua dan St. Leonardus dari Porto Mauritio, yang rajin mewartakan tentang devosi "Tiga Salam Maria" aku berdoa untuk menghormati kebijaksanaanmu yang tiada taranya itu

(Salam Maria........3x)

O Bunda yang baik dan lembut hati, Bunda Kerahiman Sejati yang akhir-akhir ini disebut sebagai "Bunda yang penuh belas kasih", aku datang padamu, memohon dengan sangat, sudilah kiranya Bunda memperlihatkan belas kasihmu kepadaku. Makin besar kepapaanku, makin besar pula belas kasihmu kepadaku.

Aku tahu, bahwa aku tidak pantas mendapat karunia itu. Sebab seringkali aku menyedihkan hatimu dengan menghina Puteramu yang kudus itu. Betapapun besarnya kesalahanku, namun aku sangat menyesal telah melukai Hati Kudus Yesus dan hatikudusmu.

Engkau memperkenalkan diri sebagai "Bunda para pendosa yang bertobat" kepada St. Brigita, maka ampunilah kiranya segala kurang rasa terima kasihku padamu. Ingatlah akan keluhuran Puteramu saja serta kerahiman dan kebaikan hatimu yang terpancar dengan mengabulkan permohonanku ini melalui perantaraan Puteramu.

O Bunda, Perawan yang penuh kebaikan serta lembut dan manis, belum pernah ada orang yang datang padamu dan memohon pertolongamu engkau biarkan begitu saja. Atas kerahiman dan kebaikanmu, aku berharap dengan sangat, agar aku dianugerahi Roh Kudus. Dan demi keluhuranmu, bersama St. Alfonsus Ligouri, rasul kerahimanmu serta pengajar devosi "Tiga Salam Maria", aku berdoa untuk menghormati kerahimanmu dan kebaikanmu.

(Salam Maria........3x)


Catatan Tambahan

Sebaiknya ditambahkan doa: "Bunda Maria, Bunda yang baik dan murah hati, jauhkanlah (diriku, dia, kami) dari dosa berat"

Jika permohonan anda mengenai perkara besar dan penting, hendaklah melakukan novena ini tiga kali berturut-turut

Berjanjilah pada Bunda Maria:

Setiap pagi dan sore setia berdoa "Salam Maria"

Mengumumkannya kalau permohonan anda itu telah dikabulkan, sebagai tanda terima kasih dan penghormatan kepada Bunda Maria yang tersuci

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Minggu, 24 April 2011

Pantangan Makanan Bagi Penderita Kanker-alasan pantangan

Pantangan Makanan Penderita Kanker

Dibantu dr. Susi dan dr. Jamal dari Tim Medis Klinik Herbal Ny.Ning Harmanto, alasan memberikan pantangan makanan penderita kanker sebagai berikut:

1. Sayur-sayuran

Tauge mengandung zat yang mendorong pertumbuhan sel kanker.

Sawi putih dan kangkung mengurangi efektivitas kerja obat.

Cabai merangsang aktifitas bawah sadar sehingga menurunkan jumlah oksigen dalam tubuh.

2. Buah-buahan

Lengkeng dan nangka mengandung zat tumbuh bagi sel kanker.

Durian, duku, nanas, dan anggur menghasilkan alkohol sehingga merangsangberkembangnya sel kanker.

Minuman ringan atau soft drink bersifat karsinogen.

Es atau minuman dingin mengganggu kelancaran peredaran darah.

Alkohol merangsang aktivitas bawah sadar sehingga jumlah oksigen dalam tubuh menurun.

3. Daging dan Ikan Asin

Daging (sapi, kerbau, kambing, babi) memfasilitasi pertumbuhan sel yang tidak normal.

Ikan asin yang diolah dari bahan tidak segar mengalami penguraian sehingga menjadi bahan allergen yang mengundang reaksi imunitas tubuh. Akibatnya, tubuh akan merasa meriang, gatal-gatal, dan bengkak. Sementara itu, bagi penderita kanker akan timbul reaksi berdenyut-denyut dan timbul rasa nyeri di bagian tubuh yang terkena kanker. Selanjutnya karena ada gangguan permeabilitas (penyerapan air) jaringan tubuh, permukaan luka akan tampak basah, benyek, dan kadang-kadang terjadi perdarahan. Yang lebih memprihatinkan, beberapa produsen pengolah ikan sering menambahkan formalin atau bahan pengawet mayat, bukan pengawet makanan. Formalin ini bersifat hepatotoksik atau racun bagi organ hati, sehingga semakin lama mengganggu sistem kerja sel dan jaringan yang akhirnya memicu kanker.

4. Makanan yang Diawetkan

Makanan awetan mengandung senyawa kimia yang dapat berubah menjadi karsinogenaktif.

Makanan yang dibakar,bagian yang gosong atau hangus mengandung zat karsinogen.

5. Sea food

Udang, kerang, kepiting, cumi mengandung kandungan lemak tinggi. Penderita kanker atau tumor harus mengurangi makanan yang mengandung lemak tinggi karena bisa merangsang berkembangnya sel kanker.

6. Daging Unggas

Biasanya untuk memacu pertumbuhan ternak atau unggas digunakan obat-obatan kimia termasuk hormon yang disuntikkan ke dalam tubuh hewan sehingga bobot ternak atau unggas cepat meningkat. Suntikan hormon yang diberikan pada ternak mirip hormon anabolic pada manusia. Hormon ini diduga memicu kanker prostat dan kanker kelenjar.

7. Buah-buahan

Durian, nangka, lengkeng, nenas, duku dan anggur bila sangat matang mengandung alkohol yang bisa memicu berkembangnya sel kanker.

Nah aneka pantangan makanan tersebut diharapkan tidak membuat pasien takut makan.

Penderita kanker harus mengkonsumsi makanan yang bergizi tinggi dan boleh makan enak namun hendaknya dipilih yang aman.bagi anda yang menderita kanker/tumor/ kista/myom, silahkan dipertimbangkan untuk mau mentaati atau tidak pantangan makanan tersebut. Dari pengalaman klinik herbal Ny.Ning Harmanto dan dari data yang ada, proses kesembuhan pasien kanker sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh ketaatan pasien berpantang makanan
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Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Doa Penyembuhan Pohon Keluarga

Bapak Surgawi

Kami memuji dan memuliakan Engkau karena cinta  dan kerahimanmu yang telah Kau limpahkan kepada kami.Juga untuk Roh Pewahyu yang berkarya dalam diri kami untuk menyatakan semua dosa yang tersembunyi,baik dosa-dosa kami maupun dosa-dosa generasi yang lalu.

Kini dalam nama Yesus Kristus,kami mengambil wibawa atas semua roh keluarga,ikatan keturunan,semua kekurangan yang diwariskan,karena factor genetik atau darah atau kecenderungan keliru yang telah diwariskan kepada kami dari pohon keluarga kami atau dari keluarga rohani dimana kami menjadi anggotanya,termasuk kekurangan di dalam gereja yang mempunyai dampak negatif atas diri kami pribadi.Karena Iman yang Kau berikan kepada kami,kami menolak dan menyangkal semua dosa dan kuasa kejahatan yang membawa kepada dosa.

Dalam nama kudus Puteramu,Yesus Kristus,kami mengambil wibawa atas semua roh keluarga dan ikatan,serta manifestasinya dalam hidup kami.Demi kuasa yang sama dari Yesus Kristus itu,kami mematahkan kuasa kejahatan dalam diri kami sendiri dan keluarga kami dan dalam nama Yesus kami hancurkan apa yang mungkin akan diwariskan kepada keturunan kami.

Bantulah kami untuk melaksanakan kehendakMu yang sempurna dan penuhi hati dan pikiran kami dengan pujian kepadaMu,karena kami mengakui kerahimanMu yang lembut.Terima Kasih Tuhan Untuk penyembuhan total dan pembebasan ini,dalam nama mulia Tuhan Yesus . Amin.

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Jumat, 22 April 2011

Makanan Pantang bagi Penderita Kanker

Para penderita kanker dianjurkan mengikuti pantangan beberapa makanan sebagai berikut.

 Sayur : tauge, sawi putih, kangkung, dan cabai.

Buah: durian, lengkeng, nangka, duku, nanas, dan anggur.

Air es, minuman beralkohol, dan soft drink.

Sea food: udang, kerang, cumi, dan kepiting.

Daging sapi, kambing, kerbau, dan babi.

Daging ayam negeri, bebek, kalkun, dan burung.

Makanan yang dibakar, dipanggang, dan digoreng berulang-ulang.

Makanan yang diawetkan, termasuk ikan asin dan makanan kaleng

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Manfaat Jus bagi penderita kanker

Bagi penderita kanker, mengkonsumsi jus buah dan sayuran merupakan upaya pendukung terapi untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan menambah asupan zat-zat gizi untuk mempercepat pemulihan dan mengurangi efek samping pengobatan.

Atau dapat juga sebagai pengganti makanan di kala selera makan tidak ada sedangkan makan adalah suatu keharusan untuk mempercepat kesembuhan.

Berikut ini adalah daftar buah yang dapat dikonsumsi oleh penderita kanker untuk membantu meningkatkan efek terapi :




Jambu biji

Jeruk manis





Sedangkan untuk sayuran yang dapat dijadikan jus adalah sebagai berikut :







Bagi kita yang ingin mencegah timbulnya kanker, konsumsi jus di atas juga baik dengan efek jangka panjang yang tentunya baik bagi tubuh kita
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Makan Yang Benar Untuk Pemulihan Penderita Kanker + Resep

Cancer: Makan Yang Benar Untuk Pemulihan Penderita Kanker + Resep

by InfoMedilink on Monday, 21 March 2011 at 20:40

Kemoterapi dapat membuat pasien kanker kehilangan selera makannya. Karena perubahan yang terjadi pada indera perasa, pasien mungkin akan mengeluh rasa makanan akan terlalu hambar, tetapi makanan yang digoreng atau dimasak dengan banyak bumbu dapat membuat pasien mual.

Dalam masa pemulihan, diet yang baik akan membatu pasien merasa lebih baik dan memberikan pasien energi dan nutrisi untuk mempercepat penyembuhan.

"Diet yang seimbang penting untuk membantu pasien mengembalikan nafsu makannya," Ujar Mdm Koay Saw Lan, Head Department of Dietetics and Nutrition Services, Singapore General Hospital (SGH)

 Perawat dapat memberikan makanan dengan rasa dan tampilan yang lebih baik dengan menambahkan warna, rasa dan bumbu segar seperti peterseli, ketumbar dan rosemary, dibandingkan ditambah garam atau bumbu penyedap lainnya. Menu yang bervariasi juga menjaga pasien untuk tetap makan.

setangkai daun ketumbar atau peterseli dan irisan paprika atau cabai dapat menghias semangkuk bubur polos.

Kombinasi makanan dengan sayuran berwarna tidak hanya sehat tapi juga menarik. Banyak mengkonsumsi sayuran akan membantu peristaltik usus, sehingga membantu pasien kemoterapi yang mungkin mengalami konstipasi.

Salsa sayuran dan buah-buahan dapat menemani ikan kukus, atau dapat juga dibumbui dengan saus teriyaki.

Beberapa penderita kanker mungkin menghindari makanan yang mereka percaya dapat menyebabkan sel kanker timbul lagi. Tapi sebenarnya tidak perlu menghilangkan jenis bahan makanan tertentu dalam diet untuk penderita kanker. Contohnya, daging sapi yang tipis kaya akan zat besi.

Lebih penting untuk menghindari makanan yang digoreng atau "makanan berat" apalagi jika pasien berada pada masa pemulihan setelah operasi.

Makanan yang direbus, dikukus dan dipanggang dapat jadi pilihan. Makanan yang lunak lebih mudah untuk ditelan dan dicerna, dan nutrisinya pun lebih gampang untuk diserap.

Contoh menu makanan bernutrisi untuk membantu pemulihan pasien di SGH

Vegetarian /
DietMakanan Lunak      

Sarapan :
Telur rebus & Roti/                                   Bihun Kuah /                              Bubur                  

Makan Siang:      
Ayam Panggang & Nasi/    
Tahu Kukus & Jamur/                 Sup Ikan                

Makan Malam:
Ikan Goreng Jahe & Saus Plum/
 Nasi & Sayuran/                    Salmon Panggang

Bubur Ikan

.3 cups air
.1/2 cup beras yang sudah direndam dalam air
.fillet ikan, buang tulangnya, iris
.1 cm jahe iris
.1/2 sdt garam, sesuai selera
irisan peterseli, bila suka
Cara Membuat:

1. Rebus air hingga mendidih, kemudian masukkan beras, masak dengan api besar.

2. Masak +/- 10 menit hingga nasi lembut dan pecah. Kecilkan api hingga panas sedang.

3. Masukkan potongan ikan dan jahe, masak selama +/- 5 menit

4. Tambahkan garam sesuai selera, matikan api. Hias dengan peterseli jika suka

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Kamis, 21 April 2011

Senin, 11 April 2011

Resep Mixed Fajitas

These fajitas are great for both meat lovers and vegetarians. Just place all the fillings on the table and let your guests mix and match.

Preparation Time

20 minutes
Cooking Time

30 minutes
Ingredients (serves 6)

2 (about 600g) single chicken breast fillets, thinly sliced
750g beef blade steak, excess fat trimmed
2 tbs vegetable oil
125ml (1/2 cup) fresh lime juice
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried oregano
600g orange sweet potato (kumara), peeled, cut into 1.5cm pieces
1 red capsicum, deseeded, cut into 2cm pieces
1 red onion, coarsely chopped
Olive oil spray
1 x 400g can red kidney beans, rinsed, drained
1 tbs olive oil
1 green capsicum, deseeded, cut into thin strips
1 red capsicum, extra, deseeded, cut into thin strips
1 red onion, extra, halved, thinly sliced lengthways
18 flour tortillas, to serve
Spicy Roast Tomato Salsa (see related recipe), to serve
Avocado & Corn Salad (see related recipe), to serve
1 x 250g ctn light sour cream, to serve (optional)
Drained sliced jalapeno chillies, to serve (optional)

Add above ingredients to your shopping list

Place the chicken and beef in separate shallow glass or ceramic dishes. Combine the vegetable oil, lime juice, garlic, cumin and oregano in a jug. Pour over the chicken and beef and turn to coat. Cover and place in fridge for 3 hours to marinate.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Place sweet potato, red capsicum and onion, in a single layer, on the lined tray. Spray with olive oil spray. Bake for 30 minutes. Transfer to a bowl. Add the beans and combine.

Meanwhile, remove chicken and beef from the fridge. Set aside at room temperature for 15 minutes. Preheat a barbecue flat plate on medium-high and a barbecue grill on high.

Drain beef and chicken, and discard the marinade. Add to the grill. Cook beef for 2-3 minutes each side for medium or until cooked to your liking. Cook chicken for 4-5 minutes each side or until cooked through. Transfer to separate plates. Cover with foil. Set aside for 5 minutes to rest. Thinly slice beef across the grain.

Combine the olive oil, green capsicum, extra red capsicum and extra onion in a large bowl. Add to the barbecue flat plate. Cook, turning occasionally, for 3-5 minutes or until tender.

Warm the tortillas following packet directions. Place the sweet potato mixture, green capsicum mixture, chicken and beef on separate platters. Serve with the tortillas, Spicy Roast Tomato Salsa, Avocado & Corn Salad (see related recipes) and, if desired, sour cream and chillies.


Allow 3 hours marinating, 15 mins standing & 5 mins resting time

Take a trip around the globe with our range of international recipe collections. Start with our French recipes, Thai recipes, Turkish recipes and Spanish recipes.

Resep Fettucine with chilli spinach

Kick back with a simple pasta dish that is delicious served straight from the stove.

Preparation Time
20 minutes
Cooking Time

10 minutes
Ingredients (serves 4)

350g fettuccine or other long, thin pasta
80ml (1/3 cup) extra virgin olive oil
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 tsp dried chilli flakes
400g can chickpeas, rinsed, drained
4 anchovy fillets, finely chopped
1kg green king prawns, peeled, cleaned with tails intact
125ml (1/2 cup) dry white wine
1 bunch English spinach, leaves picked, roughly chopped

Add above ingredients to your shopping list

Cook pasta in a large saucepan of boiling salted water for 8 minutes or until al dente. Drain, reserving 60ml (1/4 cup) cooking water.

Meanwhile, place oil, garlic and chilli in a large frying pan and cook, stirring, over medium heat for 2 minutes or until fragrant and garlic is lightly coloured. Stir in chickpeas, anchovies and 1 tsp salt, taking care as mixture will spit, then cook for 3 minutes or until chickpeas are warmed through. Add prawns and cook for 1 minute, then add wine and reserved cooking water and cook for a further 2 minutes or until almost cooked. Stir in spinach.

Add pasta to the prawn mixture and cook, tossing, for 1 minute or until well combined.

Divide pasta among shallow bowls and serve immediately.


For a variation, try scallops or calamari rings instead of prawns.

Take a trip around the globe with our range of international recipe collections. Start with our French recipes, Thai recipes, Turkish recipes and Spanish recipes.

Resep Chicken Dumpling


250g chicken mince
2cm piece ginger, peeled, grated
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons Chinese rice wine
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh chives
1/2 cup finely shredded wombok (Chinese cabbage)
20 gow gee pastry wrappers
Chilli sauce or soy sauce, to serve

Add above ingredients to your shopping list

Using hands, combine mince, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, rice wine, chives and cabbage in a bowl.

Spoon 2 heaped teaspoons mince mixture on 1 half of each wrapper. Brush edge with cold water. Fold wrappers over to enclose filling. Pleat edges together to seal. Place dumplings on a tray lined with baking paper.

Place a large steamer lined with baking paper over a wok or large saucepan of simmering water. Cook dumplings, covered, in batches, for 4 to 5 minutes or until cooked through. Transfer to a plate. Cover to keep warm. Serve with chilli sauce or soy sauce.

Take a trip around the globe with our range of international recipe collections. Start with our French recipes, Thai recipes, Turkish recipes and Spanish recipes.

Resep Muffin Banana Oatmeal Almond

my version low cal muffin

1 1/2 cup tepung terigu
1 sdt baking soda
1 sdt baking powder
1/2 sdt garam
1 sdt vanila
4 sdm low cal sugar

3 pisang, dilumatkan
1/2 sdt cinamon
1 cup oatmeal instant
1 1/2 cup low fat milk
5 sdm yogurt plain
kismis secukupnya
almond secukupnya
1 butir telur
unsalt butter-melt

campurkan dry dan wet ingredient aduk kasar
masukkan ke wadah muffin
panaskan oven 15 menit kemudian masukkan adonan ke oven 180 derajat c, selama 25 menit

Minggu, 10 April 2011

Resep Mother in law pork meats with garlic

Pork meat- samchan banyak (7-8potong)
Kecap asin-sedang

Cara memasak:
Pork meat di rendam dg lengkuas yg sudah di parut dan kecap asin

Siapkan kuali tuang dg minyak masukkan gula 10 sendok tambah air sedikit dg api kecil

Masukkan pork meat ke minyak godok dan tutup kuali dengan api yg panas
Tambahkan lengkuas potong sedikit ke dalam kuali.
Masukan bawang putih 8 siung dan lada 2 sendok makan

Godok 2 jam. Sekali kali di cek dan tambah air dikit
Tambahkan kembali bawang putih dan bila sudah lembut angkat

Godok 2 jam

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Resep Bechamel Sauce-Greek

In Greek: μπεσαμέλ, pronounced beh-sah-MEL

This is the basic, medium-thick white sauce used in moussaka and melitzanes papoutsakia (little eggplant shoes). Increasing the ratio of butter and flour to the milk will result in a thicker sauce, and decreasing will make a lighter sauce.
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

5 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
4 tablespoons of unsalted butter (1/2 stick)
2 cups hot whole milk
grated nutmeg
1-3 egg yolks, beaten with a fork


In a saucepan, melt the butter on low heat. As soon as it melts, add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon until there are no lumps, and increase the heat to medium-low. Add the milk slowly, stirring constantly with a whisk, and continue stirring until the sauce begins to thicken - creamy without being too thick. Remove from the heat and stir in salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Stir in the egg yolks and return to the heat, whisking briskly until well blended. Remove from heat and set aside until ready to use.

Yield: 2 cups


Thick Béchamel: (for use in au gratin recipes, filled pies, and croquettes) Increase the butter by 1 tablespoon, and the flour by 2 tablespoons. Leave everything else the same.

Thin Béchamel: (for use as the base for other sauces) Cut the butter and flour amounts in half. Leave everything else the same.

Multiplying the recipe: To make 4, 6, etc., cups of béchamel, increase all ingredients proportionately except the egg yolks. No more than three egg yolks should be used.

Storage note: Béchamel can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one day. To reheat, use either a double boiler, stirring constantly, or the microwave. For the microwave, cover and vent, and heat on medium power checking every two minutes. Microwave heating time will depend on the amount of sauce and the oven's wattage.

Resep Bechamel Sauce-Simple

This is the simple version of bechamel

6 tsp. unsalted butter
6 tsp. flour
1 qt. (4 c.) milk
1 onion
1 tsp. salt

Scald 1 qt. milk while being careful not to curdle.

In a saucepan, melt butter, add flour, combine well and whisk until golden brown. Gradually stir in the scalded milk, then add the onion. Cook over low heat for about an hour, stirring occasionally.

Strain through cheesecloth.

Submitted by: CM

Jenis makanan yg baik dr kehamilan sampai pertumbuhan

Makan sayur dan buah yg berwarna warni dalam seminggu
Perbanyak ikan, dan protein athu tempe, ayam kampung, daging merah non lemak
Hindari banyak makan Junk Food dan produk olahan spt. Burger, Nugget.
Banyak minum susu/ubi2an terutama ubi merah/pisang/labu kuning
Kurangi minuman kaleng dan jajanan di luar rumah
Komposisi makan yg seimbang, nasi+lauk+sayur+buah+susu

Sarapan ringan susu+buah+cereal/makanan berenergi

Asupan makanan seimbang adalah hal mendasar bagi tumbuh kembang optimal. Sebagai salah satu komponen pembentukan sel, zat-zat yang terkandung dalam makanan yang dikonsumsi berperan dalam pembentukan sistem saraf dan hormon.

   *      Tidak anti-karbohidrat
     Sumber karbohidrat antara lain beras, kentang, mi, jagung, gandum dan serealia lain.

   *      Susu, penting!

     Kalsium. Inilah zat gizi utama dalam susu dan produk olahannya seperti yoghurt, keju dan mentega. Kalsium membuat tulang dan gigi Anda jadi kuat, serta menjaga aliran darah dan fungsi sistem saraf. Janin pun butuh kalsium untuk pembentukan tulangnya. Jika Anda tidak cukup mengonsumsi kalsium, maka tubuh dan janin akan mengambil simpanan kalsium dari tulang Anda yang akan membuat kepadatan tulang menjadi berkurang (osteoporosis).
     Jadi,  Anda  tak usah berpikir untuk mengenyahkan susu dari daftar menu Anda. Tidak perlu juga mengonsumsi susu non-fat, karena lemak menjadi sumber energi dan membantu penyerapan vitamin A, D, E dan K. Sebaiknya Anda juga jangan mengonsumsi susu skim karena tidak mengandung vitamin A yang dibutuhkan untuk memperkuat daya tahan tubuh dan menjaga kulit tetap sehat.

   *      Berteman dengan ikan
     Ikan termasuk makanan "juara", karena kandungan protein dan mineral penting seperti zat besi dan seleniumnya tinggi. Ikan kembung, tuna dan kakap, mengandung asam lemak rantai panjang Omega-3 yang penting bagi perkembangan otak dan mata bayi. Selain harganya terjangkau, ikan lokal ini mudah didapat.

   *      Selalu ada protein
     Tubuh kita perlu protein cukup selama hamil, yakni sekitar 60 gram per hari. Protein penting untuk membangun sel-sel tubuh dan mengganti sel-sel yang rusak. Sumber protein yang baik adalah daging ayam, daging merah, ikan, susu, telur dan kacang-kacangan (termasuk tempe dan tahu).

   *      Jangan hitung kalori
     Keinginan diet menurunkan berat badan selama hamil adalah big no-no, apalagi tidak memasukkan sumber makanan penting seperti susu atau karbohidrat. Bukan berarti Anda boleh makan semaunya, tapi perhatikan komposisi makanan yang Anda konsumsi. Prinsipnya, penuhi kebutuhan tubuh akan zat gizi makro dan zat gizi mikro. Makanlah makanan bervariasi, atau tidak hanya mengonsumsi jenis makanan tertentu tinggi kalori, misalnya kue tart, meski sangat menginginkannya.

   *      Angkat jempol untuk buah dan sayuran
     Lima, adalah jumlah porsi minimum dari sayur dan buah yang dianjurkan untuk dikonsumsi setiap hari. Tapi buat ibu hamil, lebihkan porsinya menjadi tujuh. Mengapa? Banyak makan sayuran dan buah-buahan akan meningkatkan asupan zat gizi mikro, seperti asam folat dan berbagai vitamin serta mineral, serta mencegah sembelit.
     Jadi, selalu sertakan 1 porsi sayur (80-100 gram atau 1 mangkuk) setiap makan pagi dan malam serta selingan di pagi hari dan 2 porsi saat makan siang. Dua porsi lainnya bisa berupa snack seperi kroket isi sayur dan buah sebagai camilan.

   *       Batasi kafein
     Walau sebelum hamil Anda adalah peminum berat kopi, misalnya 3 cangkir per hari, kini sebaiknya batasinya hanya maksimal 2 cangkir. Soalnya, kadar kafein yang terlalu banyak berisiko membuat bayi lahir prematur, bahkan keguguran. Saat santai di kafe pesanlah caffee latte atau cappucinno yang kandungan susunya lumayan banyak. Jika ragu-ragu, minta kopi yang dekafein atau tidak mengandung kafein.

Vitamin dan mineral sangatlah penting bagi tubuh terutama dimasa-masa pertumbuhan anak dan remaja,dan tingkat kebutuhanya pun sangat berbeda-beda baik itu anak,remaja maupun dewasa,
Vitamin & mineral berfungsi untuk membuat tubuh bekerja dengan baik. Sebenarnya vitamin & mineral sudah terdapat di dalam bahan makanan sehari-hari. Tetapi terkadang karena gaya hidup, diet, ataupun hal lain yang menyebabkan kita tidak seimbang dalam mengkonsumsi makanan membuat kebutuhan vitamin & mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh menjadi tidak terpenuhi.

Vitamin sendiri terbagi menjadi 2 kategori, yaitu vitamin yang larut dalam lemak & vitamin yang larut dalam air. Vitamin yang larut dalam lemak adalah : vitamin A, D, E, K yang dapat disimpan oleh tubuh karena sifatnya yang larut dalam lemak tubuh. Sedangkan vitamin yang larut dalam air yaitu : vitamin B kompleks & C tidak bisa diserap oleh tubuh karena harus dilarutkan dulu dalam air. Vitamin B kompleks & C yang tidak terserap oleh tubuh itu selanjutkan akan dikeluarkan oleh sistem pembuangan tubuh. Akibatnya kita membutuhkan asupan vitamin tersebut setiap hari. Sumber dari vitamin yang alami bisa didapat dari sayur, buah & produk hewani.

Sementara mineral merupakan zat yang terdapat didalam tanah & air, biasanya diserap oleh tumbuhan atau termakan oleh hewan. Ada beberapa jenis mineral yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh dalam jumlah besar seperti kalsium dan ada juga yang hanya dibutuhkan oleh tubuh dalam jumlah sedikit atau yang biasa disebut dengan trace mineral seperti : zat besi, zinc, iodium, selenium dll.
kekurangan vitamin & mineral di dalam tubuh dapat menyebabkan masalah-masalah kesehatan. Untuk remaja sendiri gangguan yang sering terjadi adalah gangguan pertumbuhan, masalah kulit, masalah emosional/mood, kesulitan dalam berkonsentrasi yang mengakibatkan turunnya nilai akademik, kelelahan, tulang rapuh saat tua nanti,

Berikut ini Vitamin & Mineral yang sangat Dibutuhkan Dimasa pertumbuhan Serta Sumber Alaminya

Jenis Vitamin

1. Nama Vitamin A
Fungsi Mencegah masalah kesehatan mata, meningkatkan sistem imun, juga berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan & perkembangan sel serta menjaga kesehatan kulit.
Sumber Banyak terdapat di sayuran & buah yang berwarna oranye seperti wortel, ubi, labu, apricot, peach, jeruk, pepaya & mangga. Terdapat juga didalam susu, telur & hati. Untuk makanan biasanya terdapat dalam makanan yang sudah difortifikasi (ditambahkan nilai gizinya)

2. Nama Vitamin C
Fungsi Dibutuhkan untuk pembentukan kolagen, yaitu jaringan tissue yang menahan sel. Juga penting untuk pertumbuhan tulang, gigi & gusi serta pembuluh darah. Vitamin C juga membantu penyerapan zat besi & kalsium, membantu dalam proses penyembuhan luka & meningkatkan fungsi otak.
Sumber Vitamin C dalam jumlah banyak dapat ditemukan di buah berry, kiwi, tomat, paprika hijau, brokoli, bayam, serta dalam jus buah jambu biji, anggur & jeruk.

3. Nama Vitamin D
Fungsi Diperlukan untuk memperkuat tulang karena vitamin D membantu penyerapan kalsium oleh tubuh.
Sumber Vitamin D merupakan vitamin yang unik karena dapat diproduksi sendiri oleh tubuh saat terkena sinar matahari. Sumber lain yang terdapat vitamin D adalah kuning telur, minyak ikan & susu yang sudah difortifikasi.

4. Nama Vitamin E
Fungsi Vitamin E merupakan anti oksidan yang dapat melindungi sel dari kerusakan. Vitamin E juga penting untuk kesehatan sel darah merah.
Sumber Vitamin E dapat ditemukan dalam berbagai makanan, seperti minyak nabati, kacang-kacangan, sayuran berdaun hijau, alpukat & gandum.

5. Nama Vitamin B1 (biasa disebut juga dengan thiamin)
Fungsi Vitamin B1 dibutuhkan tubuh untuk merubah karbohidrat menjadi energy, diperlukan juga oleh jantung, otot & sistem syaraf supaya dapat berfungsi dengan baik.
Sumber Sumber vitamin B1 terdiri dari daging, ikan, kacang-kacangan, makanan yang terbuat dari kedelai & gandum. Vitamin B1 juga dapat ditemukan dalam makanan yang sudah di fortifikasi seperti roti, pasta & cereal.

6. Nama Vitamin B2 (biasa disebut juga dengan riboflavin)
Fungsi Sama seperti vitamin B1, maka vitamin B2 juga berfungsi untuk merubah karbohidrat menjadi energi. Selain itu vitamin B2 juga bermanfaat dalam proses pembentukan sel darah merah & kesehatan mata.
Sumber Sumber terbaik untuk mendapatkan vitamin B2 adalah daging, telur, kacang polong & lentils, kacang-kacangan, produk olahan susu, sayuran berdaun hijau, brokoli, asparagus. Sumber lainnya adalah makanan yang sudah difortifikasi.

7. Nama Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Fungsi Membantu mengubah makanan menjadi energiy, menjaga kesehatan kulit & fungsi syaraf.
Sumber Terdapat dalam daging merah, unggas, ikan, kacang serta makanan yang sudah difortifikasi.

8. Nama Vitamin B6
Fungsi Berperan untuk menjalankan fungsi normal otak & syaraf. Bermanfaat juga untuk memecah protein & pembuatan sel darah merah.
Sumber Banyak terdapat pada kentang, pisang, buncis, kacang-kacangan & biji-bijian, daging merah, ikan, telur, bayam & makanan yang sudah difortifikasi.

9. Nama vitamin B9 (biasa disebut dengan asam folat)
Fungsi Membantu proses pembentukan sel darah merah & DNA.
Sumber Sayuran kacang-kacangan, sayuran berdaun hijau, asparagus, berbagai macam jenis jeruk & unggas. Sumber lain adalah makanan yang sudah difortifikasi seperti roti, mie & cereal.

10. Nama Vitamin B12
Fungsi Berperan dalam proses pembentukan sel darah merah & menjaga fungsi syaraf.
Sumber Terdapat pada ikan, daging merah, unggas, susu, keju & telur. Terdapat juga dalam makanan yang sudah difortifikasi

Jenis Mineral

1. Kalsium
Fungsi Sangat penting dalam pembentukan tulang & gigi yang kuat. Masa pertumbuhan pada anak-anak & remaja merupakan masa pembentukan tulang, sehingga sangat penting pada masa ini anak-anak & remaja mendapatkan kalsium yang cukup sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya pengeroposan tulang nantinya. Tulang yang keropos dapat menyebabkan terjadinya osteoporosis yang berakibat tulang menjadi mudah patah.
Sumber Susu & produk olahan susu lainnya seperti yogurt, keju dll. Dapat juga ditemukan di brokoli, sayuran berdaun hijau, serta makanan yang terbuat dari kedelai. Dapat juga ditemukan pada makanan yang sudah difortifikasi.

2. Zat besi
Fungsi Zat besi membantu sel darah merah mengangkut oksigen ke seluruh tubuh. Salah satu gejala akibat anemia karena kekurangan zat besi adalah lemah & lelah, pusing serta nafas yang pendek.
Sumber sumber terbanyak terdapat di daging merah, ikan & kerang, unggas, kacang kedelai, buncis, makanan dari kedelai, sayuran berdaun hijau & kismis. Makanan yang biasa difortifikasi dengan zat besi antara lain tepung terigu, cereal & produk gandum.

3. Magnesium
Fungsi Membantu sistem otot & syaraf, menormalkan denyut jantung & menjaga kekuatan tulang. Magnesium juga membantu tubuh membentuk energi & protein.
Sumber Banyak terdapat pada gandum, kacang-kacangan, biji-bijian, sayuran berdaun hijau, kentang, buncis, alpukat, pisang, kiwi, brokoli, udang & coklat.

4. Fosfor
Fungsi Membantu pembentukan tulang & gigi, serta membantu tubuh membentuk energi. Sebagai bagian dari membran sel, maka setiap sel tubuh memerlukan fosfor untuk berfungsi secara normal.
Sumber Biasanya banyak terdapat di semua jenis makanan, tetapi paling banyak terdapat dalam produk susu, daging & ikan.

5. Kalium
Fungsi Membantu fungsi otot & syaraf, serta membantu tubuh menjaga keseimbangan air di dalam darah & jaringan tubuh.
Sumber Kalium terdapat di brokoli, kentang dengan kulitnya, sayuran berdaun hijau, jeruk, pisang, buah-buahan kering, kacang polong & lima.

6. Zinc
Fungsi Zinc berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan, pembentukan organ seksual, daya tahan tubuh & proses penyembuhan luka.
Sumber Banyak terdapat di daging merah, unggas, tiram & makanan laut lainnya, kacang-kacangan, makanan dari kedelai, susu & produk olahannya, gandum & makanan yang sudah difortifikasi seperti sereal.

Resep Gepuk ala mama

Daging gepuk pedas ala mama ini sunggguh gurih dan bumbunya menyerap rata
sedap sekali dimakan dengan nasi yg hangat dan pulen

Daging Sapi ber-urat
Asam kandis
Bawang Merah

Cara Memasak:

Daging sapi-rendang yg ada urat
Rebus dg asem.garam.penyedap
Godok sampe empuk
Angkat daging dan goreng kemudian angkat dan di gepuk rata

Ongseng bumbu cabe, bawang merah campurkan kuah godokan daging dan masukan kembali daging gepuk, godok kembali sampai menyerap

Resep Vegetarian Mushroom Lemongrass Soup

Tom Yam Het Mangsawirat-from real thai recipes
Vegetarian Mushroom Lemongrass Soup, or Tom Yum (tom yum het mangsawirat, ต้มยำเห็ดมังสะวิรัติ) is a vegetarian version of Thailand’s most popular soup. Tom Yum is very spicy and sour, and usually served scalding hot in a hotpot with a fire underneath. There are many different variations… This one is a clear vegetarian version with mushrooms and tomato.

3 cups water
1 lemongrass stalk, cut into 4" pieces and smashed
4-6 whole (double) torn lime leaves
3 slices galangal (about 1/2 teaspoon)
1/2 cube shittake flavor knorr buillon cubes
3-20 small thai chilies, to taste
2 cups mixed mushrooms (straw mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, black mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms, etc.)
1 tomato, cut into 8 pieces lengthwise
2 tablespoons white soy sauce
1 teaspoon white sugar
3 tablespoons lime juice
1-2 stems coriander, including roots


Add the water to a sauce pan. Crush the lemongrass and cilantro root in a stone mortar & pestle or with the butt of a knife, then add them to the water. Tear the lime leaves to release flavor, and throw them in too along with the galangal.
Turn on your heat to medium high, and bring to a boil. Boil your herbs for about 5 minutes or so, to release the flavors. The color of the water should be a light green when you’re finished.
Add the mushrooms, chilies and knorr cube. Boil for 2-3 more minutes, until mushrooms are soft.
Add the sliced tomato, and cook until soft, probably less than a minute.
Turn off the heat. Add your soy sauce, sugar, and at the very end the lime juice. Taste to make sure the flavor is right… It should be very sour & spicy. You may need to add more lime juice depending on how sour your limes are.
Transfer to a bowl and garnish with cilantro.


You don't eat the galangal, lime leaves, lemongrass or coriander root, so you may want to fish them out of the soup before you serve it to your guests. Also, lime juice loses it's sourness when boiled, which is why you add it at the very end, after turning off the heat. You should serve the soup right away. Both chicken or seafood can be substituted for mushrooms, if preferred.

If you're looking for a recipe for Tom Yum Goong - Tom Yum with Shrimp - try this recipe: tom yum goong recipe.

Pho Secret Ingredients: Dried Earthworms (Sa Sung)

If you read Saveur magazine, you may have seen the northern pho (pho Bac) article that I wrote for the March 2011 issue. One of the ingredients that I mentioned in the story was sa sung (Sipunculans), dried peanut earthworms that add a unique savory sweetness to the broth. My cousin Quyen, Metropole Hotel Chefs Nguyen Thanh Van and Nguyen Thi Kim Hai, along with other Hanoians that I interviewed for the story talked about using the worms for their pho broth. They spoke of cooking with sa sung in a matter of fact manner.

I’d read about sa sung in Chef Didier Corlou’s cookbook, Ma Cuisine du Vietnam, but he wasn’t clear about what the worms did to the broth. Plus, the dried worms are not available abroad.

In the Saveur story (I know, it’s terrible that my surname was misspelled but it happens), I suggested dried scallops as a substitute. They work very well. However, sa sung is a nifty ingredient that I want to highlight on this site. For those of you visiting Vietnam, it’s a great food travel souvenir. Maybe there’s a food importer and distributor who will make them available for cooks outside of Vietnam! Below is information that I’ve gathered on the dried earthworms.
What are Sipuncula?
They’re marine (sea) worms that were first described in 1827 by a French zoologist. There are over 140 different kinds of them, and some are teeny tiny (2 millimeters long) while other can be as long as 28 inches.

Sipuncula nudus, between 6 and 10 inches long, is the kind employed by cooks in Vietnam and Southern China, primarily in Guangong, Hainan, Guanxi and Fujian. The Chinese names include: beihai shachong (北海沙虫, north sea sandworm) and tusun (土笋, earth bamboo shoot). The worms are sometimes featured in aspic as a Chinese delicacy.

In English, Sipuncula nudus is often referred to as peanut earthworms. I suppose it’s because the worm can look like a peanut. It doesn’t have segments but has a large flask-like section with a proboscis that can retract. Think of pushing the finger of a glove inside out.

Resep Ayam Goreng Daun Pandan

Chicken wrapped in Pandan Leaf is a popular restaurant-style dish in Bangkok. The leaf keeps the juices of the chicken inside, so you get very soft & juicy fried chicken. This is an excellent dish to make for a party. I’ve given a large recipe here for that purpose. This recipe makes about 30 leaf-packets.

500 grams (about 1lb) chicken thigh, free-range is best
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped coriander roots
1 1/2 tablespoons garlic
3/4 teaspoon white peppercorns
1 tablespoon palm sugar (or white sugar)
1 1/2 tablespoons white soy sauce
2 teaspoons golden mountain brand soy sauce
1 tablespoon chinese cooking wine
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon milk (from a cow)
30 pandan leaves, cleaned well


Cut the chicken into 2″ chunks, leaving the skin on.
Smash the garlic, peppercorns & cilantro/corriander roots together in a stone mortar & pestle to make a paste.
Transfer to a bowl. Add soy sauces, palm sugar, cooking wine, sesame oil and milk. Mix well.
Add the chicken and mix well. Cover and marinate for an hour or more in the refrigerator.
Dry roast the sesame seeds in a pan on medium-low heat until browned and set aside (optional).
In a saucepan, simmer the sauce ingredients on medium-low heat until thicker, about 5 minutes.
When the chicken is finished marinating, create little ‘pandan-leaf’ packets as shown in the slideshow. Add one piece of chicken per leaf packet.
Fry the leaf packet on medium heat for about 3-4 minutes per side, until brown.
Top the sauce with the sesame seeds and serve. (Unwrap & discard leaf before eating).


Pandan leaves ('bai dteuy' in Thai) are available frozen in many Asian groceries. Thaw them and clean well before using. Do not rinse in hot water as you will lose a lot of flavor. (Frozen leaves are already less-flavorful, so you want to keep all you can get!)

Pandan essence is also available in little bottles at many Asian groceries. If your frozen pandan leaves have no fragrant smell or flavor, try adding a few drops to your marinade. The flavor of pandan should be noticeable in the finished chicken. If you use fresh leaves, you won't have this problem.

There are many different ways of folding these packets. The way shown leaves a bit of chicken exposed, so that you get a bit of crispiness. You're welcome to experiment! Do make sure you fold them tight, otherwise the juices will leak and the chicken will be dry (and your oil will pop.)

This is a more difficult (time consuming) dish. Most Thais don't make this at home — it's more of a special dish which is ordered at nicer restaurants.

Cow's milk is used in the marinade to tenderize the meat. It can be left out.

You do not eat the pandan leaf. Make sure to tell your guests to take it off before eating the chicken.

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Resep udang rebus

Tiger Prawn
minyak wijen

bumbu saus
bawang putih 2
bawang merah 8
cabe merah 2

udang dibelah punggung bersihkan
lumuri dg garam dan minyak wijen dan lada
air dipanaskan sedikit saja,tuang udang dan digodok terus

siapkan bumbu saus yg sudah dihaluskan,tuang udang yg sudah matang panas2 aduk terahir peraskan dg air jeruk sunkist

Makanan Penurun Kolesterol

KEBIASAAN dan jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari berperan penting dalam memengaruhi kadar kolesterol darah Anda. Semakin baik pola dan kualitas makanan Anda sehari-hari, tentu makin terjaga pula keseimbangan kolesterol dan kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan .

Bagi Anda yang ingin terhindar dari masalah kolesterol ada baiknya mulai mempertimbangkan makanan sehat antikolesterol. Berikut adalah lima makanan terbaik menurut Mayo Clinic yang membantu menurunkan kolesterol dan melindungi jantung serta pembuluh darah Anda.

1. Bubur gandum/oatmeal
Oatmeal mengandung serat larut (soluble fiber) yang dapat menurunkan kolesterol buruk (low-density lipoprotein /LDL) Anda. Soluble fiber juga ditemukan pada jenis makanan lain seperti kacang ginjal (kidney beans), apel, buah pir, barley, dan buah prune. Serat yang larut diyakini mampu menurunkan penyerapan kolesterol dalam pencernaan Anda. Mengonsumsi 10 gram lebih serat larut setiap hari dapat menurunkan kadar total LDL. Setiap 1 1/2 cangkir oatmeal matang yang Anda makan mengandung 6 gram serat. Jika Anda tambahkan buah seperti pisang, Anda menambah 4 gram lebih serat .

2. Kacang walnuts, almonds dan jenis lainnya
Berbagai studi menunjukkan, walnut secara signifikan menurunkan kolesterol dalam darah. Kacang ini mengandung banyak asam lemak tak jenuh ganda (polyunsaturated fatty acids) yang dapat membuat pembuluh darah tetap sehat dan elastis. Kacang Almond juga memiliki faedah yang tidak terlalu beda, di mana penurunan kolesterol dapat Anda rasakan setelah sekitar empat minggu.

Diet untuk menurunkan kolesterol dengan 20 persen sumber kalori berasal dari walnut diklaim dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL hingga 12 persen. Kacang-kacangan umumnya berkalori tinggi sehingga dengan hanya sekitar segenggam (tidak lebih dari 2 ons atau 57 gram) akan memberi faedah.

Namun perlu diingat, ketika Anda mengonsumsinya dengan makanan lain jangan berlebihan. Makan berlebih justru membuat Anda kegemukan dan memicu risiko jantung.

3. Ikan dan asam lemak omega-3
Banyak riset yang mendukung manfaat mengonsumsi ikan dalam menurunkan kolesterol karena ikan kaya kandungan asam lemak omega-3. Asam lemak Omega-3 juga membantu jantung dengan beragam cara seperti menurunkan tekanan darah dan menekan risiko pembekuan darah. Pada pasien yang sudah mengalami serangan jantung, minyak ikan atau asam lemak omega-3 secara signifikan menurunkan risiko kematian mendadak .

Para dokter biasanya merekomendasikan untuk memakan ikan minimal dua kali dalam semingguu. Sumber makanan yang kaya omega-3 terdapat pada makarel, ikan herring, sarden, tuna albacore dan salmon.

Perlu diingat, untuk mempertahankan faedah ikan bagi kesehatan, sebaiknya ikan dipanggang atau dibakar dalam oven. Jika tidak suka ikan, Anda juga bisa mempeoleh omega-3 dari makanan lain seperti ground flaxseed atau canola oil.

Anda juga dapat memperoleh omega-3 atau minyak ikan dari suplemen, tetapi tentu tidak akan mendapatkn semua nutrien penting dalam ikan seperti selenium. Bila Anda memutuskan memakan suplemen, ingatlah untuk tetap memperhatikan pola makan Anda dan makanlah daging yang rendah lemak atau sayuran untuk menggantikan ikan.

4. Minyak Zaitun/Olive Oil
Minyak Zaitun atau olive oil mengandung campuran antioksidan potensial yang dapat menekan kolesterol tanpa mengganggu kadar kolesterol baik (HDL) Anda .

Badan Pengawas Makanan AS (FDA) merekomendasikan untuk mengonsumi sekitar 2 sendok makan (23 gram) olive oil setiap hari untuk menjaga jantung tetap sehat. Untuk menambah olive oil dalam daftar menu, Anda bisa mencampunya dengan sayuran, bumbu cair, atau mencampurnya dengan cuka sebagai pelengkap salad. Anda juga dapat menggunakan olive oil as sebagai pengganti mentega ketika memoles daging.

Beberapa riset menyarankan bahwa efek olive oil dalam menurunkan kolesterol akan lebih besar jika Anda memilih extra-virgin olive oil atau minyak zaitun ekstra murni. Minyak jenis ini tidak melewati proses pengolahan dan penambahan zat kimia yang diyakini mengandung lebih banyak antioksidan menyehatkan. Sebaiknya hindari “light” olive oil karena biasanya jenis ini sudah melewati beragam proses pengolahan sehingga faedahnya tidak akan maksimal.

5. Makanan yang difortifikasi atau diperkaya sterol dan stanol tumbuhan.
Banyak makanan yang kini telah difortifikasi dengan sterol atau stanol — zat dalam tumbuhan yang membantu menahan penyerapan kolesterol.

Margarin, jus jeruk, atau yogurt ada yang sudah difortifikasi dengan sterol yang bisa menurunkan LDL kolesterol hingga 10 persen. Jumlah sterol tumbuhan yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai target itu sedikitnya 2 gram yang setara dengan dua porsi (237 mililter) jus jeruk dengan fortifikasi sterol dalam sehari.

Sterol atau stanol tumbuhan yang ditambahkan dalam makanan tidak akan memengaruhi kadar trigliserida atau pun HDL. Sterol atau stanol juga tidak akan mengganggu penyerapan vitamin yang larut dalam lemak seperti A, D, E and K.

Sumber : Mayo Clinic –

Resep Roasted Corn Salad with Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette, Chili Oil, Sugar, Salt & Lime Juice

6-8 Servings

2 Tbl onion powder
Salt, to taste
Sugar, to taste
6 ears of corn, husked
6 limes, zested and juiced
2 sprigs fresh cilantro, chopped
1 red onion, small diced
1 pkg grape tomatoes, halved
4 Tbl chili powder


1. Mix together chili powder, onion powder, salt, and sugar. Brush onto corn and grill until some kernels are burnt to a char. Slice kernels off the cob.

2. Combine corn kernels with lime zest, lime juice, cilantro, red onion, and grape tomatoes in a mixing bowl. Season to taste.

© 2011 Arnold Myint

Resep Cheesy Multigrain Spaghetti Casserole


2-1/2 cups water
1 10.75-ounce can reduced-fat and reduced-sodium condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 14.5-ounce can no-salt-added diced tomatoes
1 cup sliced celery (2 stalks)
1 cup sliced carrot (2 medium)
1 cup chopped onion (1 large)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1-1/2 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning, crushed
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 16-ounce package extra-firm tofu (fresh bean curd), drained if necessary, cubed
8 ounces dried multigrain spaghetti, broken, cooked according to package directions
1/2 cup shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese (2 ounces)


1. In a 3 1/2- or 4-quart slow cooker whisk together the water and soup. Stir in undrained tomatoes, the celery, carrot, onion, garlic, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper.

2. Cover and cook on low-heat setting for 7 to 8 hours or high-heat setting for 3-1/2 to 4 hours.

3. Gently stir in tofu cubes and spaghetti. Sprinkle each serving with cheese. Makes 6 servings.

Nutrition Facts

Servings Per Recipe 6 servings
Total Fat (g)5,
Saturated Fat (g)2,
Cholesterol (mg)7,
Sodium (mg)480,
Carbohydrate (g)40,
Fiber (g)5,
Protein (g)16,
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Recipe provided by

Resep Apple Oatmeal Cookies


.5 cup whole wheat flour
.5 cup white flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 tbsp vanilla
1.5 tbsp milk
1 large egg
2.5 cups instant oats
1/3 cup combined oat bran and wheat bran (optional)
2 mashed banana
chocolate chips
squirt of honey

measure and mix together dry ingredients
blend wet ingredients
if batter is to wet add more oats, if to dry add more milk
use ice cream scoop so cookies are all the same size
bake at 350 for 15 mins

Number of Servings: 16

Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user LYNNZI.

Number of Servings: 16

Resep Apple Pancakes

Serves 3–4. Prep and cook time: 30 minutes.


1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1-3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 eggs
3 tablespoons melted butter or oil
1 1/2 cups buttermilk*
1 teaspoon vanilla
Salt to taste
1 or 2 apples thinly sliced

· Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl.
· In a second bowl, beat the eggs, then add the vanilla, butter or oil, and buttermilk*.
· Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir gently to combine.
· Carefully fold the sliced apples into the batter.
· Heat a skillet or griddle over medium-high heat and, without greasing the pan, drop 1/4 cups of batter onto it.
· Let pancakes cook undisturbed until fine bubbles appear over the surface.
· Flip them and cook the second side until golden, about 1 minute.
· Do not pat them or flip a second time, as it will cause them to lose their lightness.
· Serve immediately, or keep warm in a 200°F oven until all are finished.


If you don’t have buttermilk on hand, either use regular milk and omit the baking soda, or add a tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice per cup of regular milk and let sit for about 10 minutes. It will curdle slightly, but this won’t affect the taste.

Resep Apples and Granola Breakfast Crisp


1 tablespoonbutter
2 mediumapples (such as Rome or Pink Lady), peeled if desired, cored, and quartered
1 tablespoonpacked brown sugar
1/2 teaspoongrated fresh ginger or 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
Dashground cardamom or ground cinnamon
1 6-ounce containerfat-free plain Greek yogurt (such as Fage) or fat-free plain yogurt
1 teaspoonfinely shredded lemon peel
4 teaspoonshoney
1/4 cuplow-fat granola


In a medium skillet, heat butter over medium heat. Add apples and cook about 5 minutes or until apples are golden brown, turning occasionally. Reduce heat to medium-low. Stir in brown sugar, ginger, and cardamom. Cook and stir for 5 minutes or until apples are nearly tender. Remove skillet from heat. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes until apples are tender.

Meanwhile, combine yogurt with lemon peel. Divide cooked apples among four individual serving bowls. Top with Greek yogurt. Drizzle with honey. Sprinkle with granola.

Nutrition facts per serving:

Servings Per Recipe 4 (1/2-cup) servings
Total Fat (g)3
Saturated Fat (g)2
Monounsaturated Fat (g)1
Cholesterol (mg)8
Sodium (mg)56
Carbohydrate (g)26
Total Sugar (g)20
Fiber (g)2
Protein (g)5
Vitamin C (DV%)7
Calcium (DV%)6
Iron (DV%)2

*Percent Daily Values are base on a 2,000 calorie diet

Resep Applesauce Oatmeal Muffin


1/4 cup Quaker® Oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked)
1 tablespoon firmly packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, melted
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1-1/2 cups Quaker® Oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked)
1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup fat-free milk
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg white, lightly beaten


Heat oven to 400°F. Line twelve medium muffin cups with paper baking cups or spray bottoms only with cooking spray.

For topping, combine the first four ingredients -- oats, brown sugar, butter and cinnamon -- in small bowl; mix well. Set aside.

For muffins, combine oats, flour, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon in large bowl; mix well. In medium bowl, combine applesauce, milk, sugar, oil and egg white; blend well. Add to dry ingredients all at once; stir just until dry ingredients are moistened. (Do not overmix.)

Fill muffin cups almost full. Sprinkle with reserved topping, patting gently.

Bake 20 to 22 minutes or until deep golden brown. Cool muffins in pan on wire rack 5 minutes. Remove from pan. Serve warm.

7 Foods U Should NEVER Eat!

By Jaclyn Johnson Staff Writer

There will always be those fattening foods that are easy to
make, easy to get, and easy to crave. You think "OK, I know
this is bad but it can't be that bad!" Think again. Here are
the top seven foods you should never ever feed your family or


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It's hard to resist the smell of a Krispy Kreme doughnut, which
is why I never step foot in the store. Doughnuts are fried
chock-full of sugar and white flour and loads of trans fat.

According to the Krispy Kreme website, an average 3.5 ounce
sugar doughnut weighs in with about 400 calories and contains
few other nutrients besides fat. These sugary treats may
satisfy your craving but it won't satisfy your hunger as most
of the calories come from fat.

"Eating a lot of refined sugar contributes to blood sugar
'swings' or extreme fluctuations," eDiets Chief Nutritionist
Susan Burke said.

2. Cheeseburger with fries

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The age-old classic may be delicious but think twice before
sinking your teeth into that Big Mac. The saturated fat found
in cheese burgers has been linked to heart attacks, strokes and
some types of cancer.

"In fact, fast-food portions are gargantuan, almost double the
calories per meal compared to 20 years ago," Susan says.
"Twenty years ago the average fast-food cheeseburger had about
300 calories. Today's BK Whopper with cheese has 720. To burn
the excess 420 calories, you'd have to run for 40 minutes. For
example, in 1985 a medium French fry had 240 calories, 2.4
ounces. Today's 'medium' is 6.9 ounces and 610 calories.

"This fast-food meal of cheeseburger and fries has way too many
calories and fat grams, not to mention grams of saturated fat,
trans fat and cholesterol and sodium."

Let's break down this meal. First, take the white-flour bun
(refined carbohydrates), then add some processed cheese
(saturated fat and trans fat, plus lots of additives and
preservatives) and then top off with fried red meat
(cholesterol and saturated fats). And let's not forget about
the condiments such as the always fattening mayonnaise.

Not sounding so appetizing anymore, huh? Oh, and let's not
forget about the infamous side dish. You cheeseburger will most
likely come with a side of French fries, which is sadly the
most popular vegetable dish in the U.S. Don't kid yourself,
French fries are not vegetables, they are extremely high in fat
and contain a tiny amount of nutrients.

3. Fried Chicken and Chicken Nuggets

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With the recent class-action lawsuit between The Center for
Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and KFC, the health risks
posed by fried foods are becoming more public. The CSPI is
suing the food chain for their use of cooking oil containing
unhealthy trans fats. The lawsuit seeks to order KFC to use
other types of cooking oils and to inform customers how much
trans fats KFC's food contains.

Foods cooked in highly heated oils (most notably partially
hydrogenated oil) have been known to cause cancer, weight gain
and other serious health risks if ingested regularly. A
10-piece chicken McNugget from McDonald's has 420 calories, 24
grams of fat and 1120 milligrams of sodium. One Extra Crispy
Chicken Breast from KFC has around 420 calories and eight grams
of saturated fat. So unless you want to super size yourself,
it's best to make a clean break with fried foods.

4. Oscar Mayer's Lunchables

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Sure they are convenient and easy, but boy are they unhealthy!
These kid-marketed lunches are loaded with saturated fat and
sodium. They usually contain highly processed meats and
cheeses, white flour crackers and sugary treats. Lunchables get
two-thirds of their calories from fat and sugar. And they
provide lopsided nutrition since they contain no fruits or

"They insidiously promote obesity by making kids think that
lunch normally comes in a cellophane-wrapped box," Susan says.
"Parents are promoting their children's obesity by buying these
items. They're expensive, too. Pack a sandwich and save dollars
and health."

5. Sugary Cereal

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Not all cereals are created equally. And while your kids might
beg for the latest cookie or marshmallow chocolate surprise
cereals, it is a safe bet they are about as healthy as a
dessert. Keywords to look out for are puffed, dyed and

Most kids' cereals are so highly processed they no longer look
like the grains they were originally made from. A healthy
alternative is oatmeal. Although, if you are buying
pre-packaged oatmeal make sure to check the label and see how
much sugar it contains, you might be surprised. m

"A little sugar isn't a problem but when the first ingredient
on the box is sugar, then watch out," she said. "There is no
fruit in Froot Loops. But the unsweetened original Cheerios or
Rice Krispies are fine, and you can sweeten them naturally with
blueberries and strawberries."

6. Processed Meats.

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What falls under the category of processed meats? Hot dogs,
sausage, jerky, bacon, certain lunch meats and meats used in
canned soup products. Almost all processed meats have sodium
nitrite added as a preservative.

A recent study conducted at the University of Hawaii found that
sodium nitrite can act as "a precursor to highly carcinogenic
nitrosamines -- potent cancer-causing chemicals that accelerate
the formation and growth of cancer cells throughout the body."
So eliminate these meats from your diet before they eliminate

7. Canned soup.

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Sometimes regarded as a healthy food, soups can be very
deceiving. You must stay on your guard because many canned
soups have high levels of trans fats, sodium and artificial
preservatives such as MSG. Just one serving (which is roughly
one cup) can have almost 1,000 milligrams of salt. Also, steer
clear of soups that are cream-based, they can be high in
calories and fat.

Susan says it is important to "read labels from back to front.
Ignore the health claims, and instead focus on the ingredients
and serving size. Watch out for hydrogenated fat (trans fat)
and sodium. If you're buying bread to go with you soup, the
first ingredient should be whole grain -- either whole wheat,
rye or other grain. If it just says 'wheat bread,' that doesn't
mean whole wheat."

We all want our family to be healthy and happy, so steer clear
of these foods. Think it's difficult to maintain a healthy
lifestyle? Think again! eDiets make it simple to find healthy
foods with the correct nutritional balance for you and your
family. Our customized diet plans will help you lose weight and
feel great!

Resep Swiss Oatmeal


1-1/2 cups water
3/4 cup steel-cut oats
3/4 cup fat-free milk
1 6-oz. carton plain low-fat yogurt
3 Tbsp. honey
1/4 tsp. apple pie or pumpkin pie spice
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup assorted dried fruit, such as cranberries; blueberries; snipped apples; apricots, or plums (prunes); and/or dried fruit bits
1/3 cup coarsely chopped almonds, toasted
Sliced banana (optional)


1. In 2-quart saucepan combine water and oats. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, 8 minutes (oats will not be tender). Remove from heat; transfer to mixing bowl. Cool 5 minutes. Stir in milk, yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey, apple pie spice, salt, and dried fruits. Cover; chill 12 hours or up to 3 days.

2. To serve*, heat oatmeal in saucepan over low heat 10 minutes. Stir in the remaining 1 tablespoon honey. Divide among serving bowls. Top with almonds and sliced banana. Makes 3-1/4 cups (5, 2/3-cup servings).

3. *Note: Oatmeal may be served at room temperature; let stand 15 minutes before serving.


Nutrition Facts

Servings Per Recipe 3 1/4 cups (5 2/3-cup servings)
Total Fat (g)5,
Saturated Fat (g)1,
Monounsaturated Fat (g)2,
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)1,
Cholesterol (mg)3,
Sodium (mg)102,
Carbohydrate (g)38,
Total Sugar (g)20,
Fiber (g)4,
Protein (g)8,
Vitamin A (DV%)0,
Vitamin C (DV%)1,
Calcium (DV%)13,
Iron (DV%)3,
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Recipe provided by

Resep Yogurt Oatmeal Muffin

Calorie: 147/serving

1 cup oats
1 cup lowfat plain yogurt
1/4 cup margarine
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 banana
1/4 cup egg substitute
1 cup flour (all purpose)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup raisins

1. mix yogurt with oatmeal - let sit

2. beat margarine, sugar and banana together

3. add egg substitute and oatmeal misture

4.add dry ingredients into oatmeal mixture. stir in raisins

5.spoon into 12 muffin cupscoated with nonstick cooking spray

6.bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes

Number of Servings: 12

Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user FABGRAMMA.

Number of Servings: 12

Resep Carrot & Mango Salad with Honey Lime Dressing


3 large carrots (about 1lb. /500g) (3)
1 mango (1)
1/2 cup thinly sliced green onion (about 4) (125ml)
1/2 cup coarsely chopped dry roasted peanuts (125ml)
1/4 cup raisins (50ml)
2 tablespoons finely chopped coiander (30ml)
1 teaspoon grated lime zest (5ml)
2 tablespoons lime juice (30ml)
2 tablespoons liquid honey (30ml)
1/2 teaspoon each salt and freshly ground black pepper (2ml each)
1/4 cup olive oil (50ml)


Coarsely grate carrots into a large bowl. Peel and finely chop mango and add to carrots with the green onion, peanuts, raisins and coriander. Mix gently.
In a small bowl, whisk together lime zest and juice, honey, salt and pepper. Slowly add the oil, whisking constantly, until dressing emulsifies.
Pour dressing over carrot mixture and toss gently. Let rest for 15 minutes and serve.

Tip: Coriander adds a fresh taste to this salad and compliments the mango, but parsley could be used as a substitute.

Resep Lentil Vegetable Soup

Lentils and vegetables team up to make a deliciously filling soup.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes


2 carrots, sliced
1 stalk celery, diced
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
2 tablespoons olive oil
6 cups chicken broth
1 can diced tomatoes (14oz)
1 cup red lentils
2 bay leaves
1 sprig fresh thyme
1/2 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
Red wine vinegar to taste
Olive oil to taste
salt and pepper


In a saucepan over medium heat, soften the vegetables with the cumin in the oil. Season with salt and pepper. Add the broth, tomatoes, lentils, bay leaves and thyme. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the vegetables and lentils are tender, about 20 minutes. Remove the bay leaves and thyme sprigs. In a blender, purée until smooth. Add more broth if necessary. Add the parsley. Adjust the seasoning. Drizzle each serving with vinegar and oil.

Resep Thai Lime Roast Chicken

This Thai recipe for Lime Roast Chicken is super-delicious, with crispy skin and tender meat beneath. You'll love the sweet lime flavor of this roast chicken, which makes a perfect meal to serve for any social gathering as well as for everyday meals. Add as much or as little chili as you like - the lime sauce will still taste just as sweet! Includes lots of tips on how to roast chicken, so you'll be sure to get your roast chicken just right. An easy roast chicken recipe to make - and the results are fantastic. Enjoy!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours, 40 minutes

* SERVES 4 + (Depending on the size of Your Chicken)
* 1 medium (approx. 4 lbs, or 2 kg.) whole chicken (thawed if using frozen)
* 1/2 cup lime juice
* 1/4 cup rice vinegar, OR substitute regular white or apple cider vinegar
* 1/3 cup fish sauce (available in tall bottles at Asian/Chinese food stores)
* 1/2 cup loosely packed brown sugar
* 7-8 cloves garlic, minced, OR 1 Tbsp. bottled pureed garlic
* 1-2 fresh red chilies, minced, OR 1 tsp. dried cayenne pepper (omit for a very mild lime sauce)
* To Serve:
* 3 sliced spring onions (scallions)
* optional: lime wedges


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees (gas mark 3).
2. Open the cavity of the chicken and discard any inner organs (or reserve them for making chicken stock, as desired). Rinse the chicken and pat dry. Place in a deep roasting pan or casserole dish, one that has a lid high enough that it won't touch the top of the chicken.
3. Place marinade/sauce ingredients in a sauce pan and stir over medium-high heat until it reaches a light boil and sugar dissolves. Reduce to minimum, stirring occasionally for several minutes, or until the sauce thickens slightly.
4. Remove from heat. Pour 1/3 of this sauce over the chicken. Thoroughly coat the chicken with the sauce by spooning it over (you can also use your hands if the sauce has cooled enough). Cover the remaining sauce for use later.
5. Now add 1/4 cup water to the bottom of the roasting pan. Cover and place chicken in preheated oven.
6. Allow to slow roast for 1 hour, then remove from oven. Use a ladle to spoon juices from the bottom of the pan over the chicken. Return to the oven for 1 more hour.
7. Remove from oven and spoon 2-3 more Tbsp. of the lime marinade/sauce you reserved earlier over chicken. There should be adequate moisture (juices) in the bottom of the roasting pan - if not, add 1/4 cup water. Tip: the sauce may have become thick by this time (almost like syrup) - this is fine. It will "melt" when it touches the hot flesh of the chicken.
8. Uncover chicken and increase heat to 375 to 400 degrees (gas mark 5-6). Return chicken (uncovered) to roast another 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until skin has turned golden-brown and the chicken is well done (if your chicken is larger than 4 lbs, it may require a little longer). Check on it occasionally to ensure it isn't over-browning.
9. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly. Meanwhile, using a ladle, scoop out 1/3 cup of the juices from the bottom of the roasting pan and add to the reserved lime sauce. Place over medium heat, stirring occasionally until sauce is warm.
10. Taste-test the lime sauce, adding a little more sugar, if desired, or a little more fish sauce if not salty enough. Add more fresh minced chili or cayenne pepper if more spice is desired.
11. There are several ways to serve this dish. First, you can place the whole chicken on a platter (Thanksgiving style), and either pour the sauce over, or serve it on the side (instead of gravy). OR, place chicken on a chopping board, and chop it into pieces (as shown). Place the pieces on a serving platter. Pour sauce over, then top with sliced spring onions. ENJOY!

More Chicken Roasting Tips:

* If crispy skin is more important to you than tender flesh, divide the baking time this way: 1.5 hours with lid on at 325 degrees, followed by 1 to 1.5 hours with lid off at 400 degrees.
* When roasting chicken, always check to make sure there is some liquid in the bottom of the pan (a little water can be added as needed). This will ensure a more tender roast.
* To test if chicken is done: Slip a knife into several of the thickest parts of the chicken (the drumstick, or just under the drumstick are good places). If the meat near the bone is white and the juices run clear, it is done. If you see red meat and/or red juices, the chicken still requires another 15 to 30 minutes of roasting time.

Resep Mushroom Miso Soup

A light and tasty soup from Ricardo that is the perfect starter for a Japanese dinner.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Yield: 4


5 cups water
1/2 cup shiitake mushroom
2 tablespoons miso paste
3/4 pound assorted mushrooms (shiitake, oyster, enoki, king, lobster, etc.), thinly sliced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 red bell pepper, cored and diced
300 grams soft tofu, cut into cubes
2 green onions, chopped
1 pinch Salt and pepper


In a saucepan, bring the water and dried shiitakes to a boil. Remove from the heat and steep for about 15 minutes. Add the miso paste and stir to combine. Keep warm.
In a skillet, sauté the assorted mushrooms in the oil. Add the bell pepper and continue cooking for about 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add to the miso broth, along with the remaining ingredients. Adjust the seasoning.

Resep Vegetarian Thai Cucumber Salad (Vegan)

Scrumptious Thai Cucumber Salad - authentic Thai taste, without using fish sauce!
Copyright Darlene A. Schmidt,
For a delicious vegetarian Thai salad, try my easy Thai Cucumber Salad. This salad achieves all of the flavor and taste of non-vegetarian Cucumber Salad without resorting to using fish sauce or shrimp paste, plus it's virtually fat free! Note that for this recipe you'll need to scout out a bottle of Golden Mountain Sauce, available at any reputable Asian or Chinese food store (look for it in a tall bottle next to the fish sauce). Like soy sauce, Thai Golden Mountain Sauce is made from fermented soybeans, which makes it suitable for both vegetarian and vegan diets (for more on this sauce see link below). ENJOY!


* 1 English Cucumber, peeled
* 1 red bell pepper, diced
* 3 green onions, thinly sliced
* 1 loose cup fresh coriander/cilantro, lightly chopped
* 1/2 loose cup fresh basil, lightly chopped
* 1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts, lightly ground or chopped
* juice of 1/2 large lime
* 1 Tbsp. Golden Mountain Sauce (for more on this sauce, see link below)
* 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1 Tbsp. soy sauce
* 1-2 tsp. Thai chili sauce, OR 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. dried crushed chili (from the spice aisle)
* 1+1/2 to 2 tsp. white sugar

For more on buying and using Golden Mountain Sauce, see my: All About Golden Mountain Sauce.

1. Cut cucumber in half lengthwise, then continue slicing lengthwise until you have about 8 long strips. Now slice strips the other way to create bite-size rectangular chunks. Place in a salad bowl.
2. Add prepared red pepper, green onion, fresh herbs, and peanuts to the salad bowl.
3. Combine the dressing ingredients together in a cup, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Taste-test for a sweet-sour balance, adding more sugar if it's too sour for your taste. Tip: Note that the dressing will taste quite salty and pungent now, but will be perfect once it is combined with the salad.
4. Pour dressing over the salad and toss well to combine. Taste-test the salad, adding more chili sauce or dried crushed chili if you'd like it spicier.
5. To serve, transfer salad to a serving platter or bowl. Top with a little more coriander, basil, and peanuts. Serve immediately, or cover and refrigerate for up to 3 hours. This salad is best eaten up the same day you make it. ENJOY!

Japanese Vegetable Salad

Genji Japanese Restaurant-Ayodya Resort Nusa Dua Bali - detikFood

120 glettuce endive, sobek
80 g red cabbage, sobek
60 g wortel, serut kecil panjang
120 g tomat merah, iris tipis
60 g bawang bombay, iris tipis
60 g kyuri/mentimun hijau, iris tipis
Saus Bawang:
150 g bawang bombay, cincang halus, tumis
15 g bawang putih
250 ml minyak sayur
20 g gula pasir
100 ml kecap Jepang
60 ml cuka Jepang
1 cm jahe, kupas, parut

Cara membuat:

* Saus Bawang: Aduk semua bahan menjadi satu hingga rata.
* Susun bahan selada dalam mangkuk saji.
* Siram dengan Sausnya. Sajikan segera.

Untuk 4 orang


Spicy Cucumber Salad with lychees and Thai chilies-Roger Mooking


* 1 English cucumber
* 1 cup lychees, peeled, pitted and halved
* 3 stems cilantro, finely chopped and leaves picked (reserved for garnish)
* 2 red Thai chilies, pith and seeds removed and finely diced
* zest and juice of 2 limes
* 1 teaspoon sugar
* 1 tablespoon seasoned rice wine vinegar
* Salt


1. Cut cucumber in half length-wise, deseed with a spoon, quarter and dice ¼ inch thick.
2. In a bowl, mix cucumber, lychees, cilantro stems and chili.
3. Add lime zest, juice, sugar, salt and vinegar, toss.
4. Before serving, garnish with cilantro leaves.

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Thai Golden Mountain Sauce

All About Thai 'Golden Mountain Sauce'
""Golden Mountain Sauce - sold in tall bottles with a bright green or yellow label

Copyright Darlene A. Schmidt Golden Mountain Sauce is often thought to be a secret ingredient in Thai food, at least here in North America where it is only now becoming known. This sauce has been used for well over a century in Thailand, contributing a special flavor to Thai stir-fries and other dishes. Ingredients: Like soy sauce, golden mountain sauce is composed mainly of fermented soy beans and salt. It tastes quite different from soy sauce, however: slightly saltier, plus there is a hint of sweetness (it does contain sugar). There is no MSG in this sauce, but the Thais do add what they call 'flavor enhancer' in small amounts, and a preservative.

Good for Vegetarians: One of the great things about this sauce is that it is fine for vegetarians and vegans - it even contains a substantial amount of plant protein from fermented soy, which is considered very healthy. For vegetarians who like to cook Thai, this sauce can sometimes work as an adequate substitute for fish sauce, especially in stir-fries and tofu dishes.

Note: Golden Mountain Sauce does contain a small amount of wheat, so it is not recommended for gluten-free diets.

Substitutions: If you're looking for a substitute for golden mountain sauce, I suggest soy sauce mixed with sugar and vegetable or chicken stock (e.g. for every 2 Tbsp. soy sauce, mix with 2 Tbsp. stock, plus 1/4 tsp. sugar.). However, if you're looking for real Thai flavor, I suggest going out and getting yourself a bottle of golden mountain sauce - it will last a long time, as a little goes a long way.

Shopping Tips: You'll find golden mountain sauce in Asian food stores. Look for it in tall bottles - it will likely be shelved alongside Thai fish sauce, and has a bright green or yellow label (see photo above).

Note: When buying this sauce, look for 'naturally fermented' somewhere on the label; otherwise you may be buying hydrolyzed soy protein (used in fake soy sauces) which is unhealthy and even toxic in high levels.